Panel Discussion on Water Treatment
Join the panel discussion on Monday.
Water is the most abundant resource on planet Earth; let’s not make it scarce. The discussion on water treatment explores innovative methods and technologies aimed at improving the quality, efficiency, and sustainability of water treatment processes. Water treatment technologies have become increasingly crucial in addressing global water scarcity, improving water quality, and meeting stringent environmental standards.
Hosted by Tomáš Dorník (Czechia) and the panelists Roni Kasher (Israel), Bernie Mack (USA), Luboš Novák (Czechia), Jaroslav Pollert (Czechia).
Key topics
1. Types of Water Treatment Technologies: The discussion will cover various treatment methods such as membrane filtration, biological treatments, and chemical processes. These methods are crucial for processing water from alternative sources like sewer mining for cooling towers, boiler feedwater, and irrigation.
2. Water Recycling and Reuse: The significance of water recycling in urban settings will be explored, particularly in the context of watering green spaces, street cleaning, and minimizing discharge to municipal wastewater systems.
3. Recovery of Wastewater for Internal Uses: The panel will examine the recovery and reuse of wastewater within industries and treatment facilities, reducing dependency on freshwater resources while enhancing operational efficiency. Applications like ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge), Near ZLD, or MLD (Minimal Liquid Discharge) and their advancements will be discussed. Are we at the stage of valuable resource recovery?
4. Challenges in Membrane Applications: The most difficult applications of membranes arise when addressing wastewater issues requires modifications to the in-process wastewater handling. This discussion will focus on real-world scenarios and how these challenges are tackled.
5. Challenges and Future Directions: The discussion will also address the challenges faced in water treatment, such as water scarcity, high energy costs, and treatment inefficiencies. Is the issue of microplastics and PFAS the most prevalent topic nowadays?
This panel promises to provide valuable perspectives on the latest advancements and challenges in water management. Do not miss this opportunity to engage with leaders and deepen your understanding of critical water issues.
Panel Discussion on Gas Separation
Join the panel discussion on gas separation on Thursday. The discussion on gas separation by membranes explores the innovative applications and advancements in membrane technology for the efficient separation of various gases from mixtures. Membrane separation processes have gained significant attention due to their energy efficiency, lower operational costs, and environmental benefits compared to traditional separation methods such as cryogenic distillation or adsorption.
Pavel Izák (Czechia), Marek Bobák (Czechia), Peter Budd (United Kingdom), Karel Friess (Czechia), Johannes C. Jansen (Italy), Albert Kim (USA), Udo Kragl (Germany), Petr Stanovský (Czechia)
Key topics
1. Types of Membranes: The discussion will focus on various types of membranes used for gas separation, including polymeric membranes, mixed matrix membranes (MMMs), and inorganic membranes. Each type has unique properties and applications, with polymeric membranes being widely used for their flexibility and ease of processing, while MMMs and inorganic membranes offer enhanced selectivity and stability under harsh conditions.
2. Applications in Industry: Real-world applications of membrane gas separation in industries such as petrochemical, natural gas processing, and carbon capture and storage (CCS) will be discussed. The role of membranes in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and complying with environmental regulations is highlighted, demonstrating their significance in sustainable industrial processes.
3. Recent Advancements: The latest advancements in membrane materials and fabrication techniques will be reviewed. This includes the development of membranes with higher permeability and selectivity, improved thermal and chemical resistance, and novel approaches like the incorporation of nanoparticles or ionic liquids into membrane structures.
4. Challenges and Future Directions: The discussion will also address the challenges faced in membrane gas separation, such as membrane fouling, scalability, and the trade-off between permeability and selectivity. Potential future directions, including the integration of membranes with other separation technologies and the development of next-generation membranes, will be proposed to overcome these challenges.
The discussion aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of membrane gas separation technology, highlighting its potential to revolutionize industrial gas separation processes while contributing to environmental sustainability.